Nature's Ingredients Inc.
What We Do
Nature’s Ingredients, Inc. offers an ever-growing line of the highest quality, all natural, vegan, Organic and Non-GMO plant-based products found in today’s market. In addition to our signature ingredients Ortiva® Rice Proteins, Pisiva® Pea Proteins, Hemptiva® Hemp Protein, and Monk Fruit Sweetener, we are continually adding exciting new ingredients to our product line. Nature’s Ingredients’ most recent product offerings include: Faba-tein™ (Fava Bean), Mung-b-tein™ (Mung Bean), Chick-p-tein™ (Chickpea) proteins, fibers and starches. We have extended our Ortiva® and Pisiva® brand lines to include: Rice Milk Powder, Rice Syrup Solids, and both Rice and Pea Peptides, giving formulators the competitive edge needed. Nature’s Ingredients’ plant-based products are a natural and clean label answer to today’s ever growing market demands. Nature’s Ingredients proprietary natural and certified organic processes extract the proteins and sweetener components from botanicals using only water and mechanical separation technology. Our ingredients offer health and nutrition benefits that today’s health minded consumers expect. With neutral flavor profiles, light color, high functionality, and high protein or sweetener content – the creative possibilities are endless. Our proprietary, earth-friendly technology allows us to produce ingredients the way nature intended.
Categories (75)
Dairy Replacers, Egg Replacers, Fiber, Protein, Hemp, Protein, Hydrolyzed, Protein, Pea, Protein, Rice, Starch, Sweeteners, Sweeteners: Natural, Hemp, Herb Extracts, Dry, Luo Han Guo, Peptides
6 Madison Rd.
Fairfield, NJ 07004
United States

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